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发布日期:2011-06-30 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

















       1.       中药新药与新剂型研究

       2.       天然药物活性成分与质量评价研究

       3.       中药复方药效物质研究




  1.  国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项十二五计划课题“中药新药安全性检测技术与标准研究”,课题负责人。

  2.  国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项十一五计划课题“抗脑缺血新药-和厚朴酚静脉注射用冻干脂质体的临床前研究”,课题负责人。

  3.  北京市自然科学基金委项目“中药注射剂半抗原成分的在线高效分离-结构鉴定-血清白蛋白结合筛选系统的建立与应用”,课题负责人。

  4.   2015版《中国药典》中药品种质量标准研究-败酱草、橘叶质量标准研究,课题负责人

  5.   2010版《中国药典》中药品种质量标准研究-金沸草、败酱草质量标准研究,课题负责人。质量标准已收录2010版《中国药典》一部。

  6.   国家十一五创新药物研究开发技术平台建设专项“中药质量标准研究和信息化体系建设平台课题-枳实、枳壳质量标准示范性研究”,子课题负责人。

  7.   国家973项目“中药药性理论继承与创新研究项目-道地药材的药性特征的研究课题”,主要研究人员。

  8.   中医药管理局重大科技开发项目“松果菊一类新药材及其新药制剂研究” ,2004年获北京市科学技术三等奖,第三完成人。

  9.   国家“十五”攻关后续项目“中药炮制规范化研究- 白术”的规范化炮制研究,子课题负责人。

  10. 国家“九五”攻关项目“66种常用中药材质量标准及其对照品的研究-茜草专题”,2001年获国家科技进步二等奖,子课题负责人。

  11. 国家“八五”攻关项目“常用中药材品质评价与质量研究”—黎芦专题、细辛专题 ,曾获中医药管理局科技进步一等奖和国家科技进步三等奖,分别为第一、第二完成人。

  12. 国际合作项目:“2010年版中国药典中药品种的HPLC标准谱图的研究”、“基于LC-MS和在线活性检测技术的中药指纹图谱快速分析平台的建立”,为项目负责人。


  [1]. Qingrong Fu, HongWang, YuexiangLan,SenLi, Yuki Hashi,, Shizhong Chen*. High- throughput and sensitive screening of compounds with deoxyribonucleic acid-binding activity by a high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry-fluorescence detection technique using palmatine as a fluorescence probe. Journal of Chromatography A, 1323 (3):123–124,2014.

  [2]. Zhiling Song, Hong Wang, Biao Ren, Baobao Zhang, Yuki Hashi, Shizhong Chen*. On-line study of flavonoids of Trolliuschinensis Bunge binding to DNA with ethidium bromide using a novel combination of chromatographic, mass spectrometric and fluorescence techniques.Journal of Chromatography A, 1282(22):102–112, 2013.

  [3]. Zongtao Lin, Hong Wang, Qingrong Fu, Yi Liang, Baobao Zhang, Yuki Hashi, Shizhong Chen*. Simultaneous separation, identification and activity evaluation of three butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors from Plumulanelumbinis using On-line HPLC-UV coupled with ESI-IT-TOF-MS and BchE biochemical detection  Talanta  2013,110 (15):180-189.

  [4]. HaijuanAn, HongWang, Yuexiang Lan, Yuki Hashi, Shizhong Chen*. Simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of phenolic acids and flavonoids for the quality control of ApocynumvenetumL.leaves by HPLC–DAD–ESI–IT–TOF–MS and HPLC–DAD. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 85(11): 295–304, 2013.

  [5]. YaruNiu, Liangliang Yin, ShihengLuo, Jing Dong, Hong Wang,,YukiHashi, Shizhong Chena*. Identification of the Anti-oxidants in FlosChrysanthemi by HPLC–DAD–ESI/MSn and HPLC Coupled with a Post-column Derivatisation System. Phytochemical Analysis. 2013. 24 (1): 59-68.

  [6]. ZhilingSong , Yuki Hashi, Hongyang Sun, Yi Liang, YuexiangLan,Hong Wang,,Shizhong Chen*. Simultaneous determination of 19 flavonoids in commercial trollflowers by using high-performance liquid chromatography and classification of samples by hierarchical clustering analysis.Fitoterapia  91(11) : 272–279. 2013.

  [7]. Zongtao Lin, Hong Wang, Ying Xu, Jing Dong, Yuki Hashi, Shizhong Chen*, Identification of antioxidants in Fructusaurantiiand its quality evaluation using a new on-line combination of analytical techniques,Food Chemistry, 134(2):1181–1191, 2012.

  [8]. YaruNiu, Hui Li, Jing Dong, Hong Wang, Yuki Hashi, Shizhong Chen*. Identification of isoflavonoids in Radix Puerariae for quality control using on-line high performance liquid chromatography-diode array  detector-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry coupled with post-column derivatization. Food Research International, 48 (2): 528–537,2012.

  [9]. Gang Cui, YaruNiu, Hong Wang, Jing Dong, Hashi Yuki, Shizhong Chen*. Rapid Isolation and Identification of Active Antioxidant Ingredients from Gongju Using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn and PostcolumnDerivatization. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60 (21): 5407?5413,2012.

  [10]. Yi Liang, Gang Cui, Xiaoxue Wang, Wei Zhang, QuanAn, Zongtao Lin, Hong Wang*,Shizhong Chen*. Pharmacokinetics of honokiol after intravenous guttae in beagle dogs assessed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Biomedical chromatography, doi 10.1002/bmc. 3179.

  [11]. Guo-Qiang Liu, Jing Dong, Hong Wang, Yuki Hashi, Shi-Zhong Chen*. Comparison of Two species of Notopterygium by high-performqnce liquid chromatography- photodiode array detection-electrospray ionization tanswm mass spectrometry.European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 18(1): 59-60, 2012.

  [12]. Guoqiang Liu, Jing Dong, Hong Wang, Yuki Hashi,Shizhong Chen*. Characterization of alkaloids in SophoraflavescensAit.by high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,54 (5): 1065–1072, 2011.

       [13]. Guo-Qang Liu,Jing Dong,  Hong Wang,  Yuki Hashi ,  Shi-Zhong Chen*. Differentiation of four pairs of furocoumarinisomers by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.  European  Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 16 (2):215-220,2010.

      [14]. Hui Li,Leren Wan,Yuki Hashi,Shizhong Chen*. Fragmentation study of a 8-C-glycosyl isoflavone, puerarin, using electrospray ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry at high resolution.  Rapid Commun.MassSpectrom. 2007, 21 (15): 2497–2504. 

      [15]. Liangliang YinJing DongHashi Yuki,,, Shizhong Chen*. Online Identification of Flavones from FlosChrysanthemi  LC–MS-IT-TOF  LC GC Europe, 2009, Oct 9,Special Issues.

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